Amarantini is grown from the amaranth seed, but the fully grown leaves of amaranth are not an established vegetable in most culinary traditions.
Amarantini has a mild, beetroot like flavour that complements both sweet and savory dishes.
Amarantini is enjoyed piled over salmon or pasta, placed in sandwiches, mixed into green salads and is great with all types of deserts.
Amaranth has a really impressive nutritional profile, high in iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and appreciable amounts of calcium. It has also has cholesterol-lowering and cancer-preventative properties. Amaranth also contains 10 essential amino acids which makes it a valuable source of nutrients for vegans and vegetarians

Amaranth is an ancient seed of South America that dates back 8,000 years to Aztec times. It was used (as well as honey) in ancient rituals and celebrations consisting of singing, dancing and praying.

Retail Customers
We welcome your business. The following specialty grocers stock our products. Particular products seen on this website can be ordered through them:
Hill Street Grocers – 70 Arthur St, West Hobart, Tel 03 6234 6849
Salad Bowl - 362 Macquarie St, South Hobart, Tel 03 6223 7728
Eumarrah, Organic Wholefoods and Natural Food 39 Barrack St, Hobart, 03 6234 3229. Email:
Harvest Feast, Organic Market Stall, Salamanca Market, Hobart,
(every Saturday).
Wholesale Customers
We welcome your business. To purchase direct