Mizunini is our name for Mizuna. It is a fun way of saying that this is a mini version of Mizuna.
The taste of 'mizunini' has been described as a "piquant, mild peppery flavor...slightly spicy, but less so than rocket.
Mizunini is a common ingredient in salads but its mild, peppery flavor also makes a great topping for fish, pasta dishes, soups, stews, pizzas and stir-frys. Remember for hot dishes, add on the plate just before serving.
Mizunini is high in many nutrients, including vitamins A, C and K. It is also rich in antioxidants and may come with several unique benefits to health including supporting blood clotting, strengthening bones, improving the immune system, and promoting eye health. Remember that microgreens contain between four to forty times more nutrients than their fully grown counterparts so even a little is good for you.​

Mizuna is a member of the brassica family and is used extensively in Japanese cuisine, having been cultivated in Japan since ancient times. It is only comparatively recently that Mizuna has been discovered and become popular in kitchens around the world.

Retail Customers
We welcome your business. The following specialty grocers in Hobart stock our products. Particular products seen on this website can be ordered through them:
Wholesale Customers
Hill St Grocers – 70 Arthur St, West Hobart, Tel 03 6234 6849
Email: westhobart@hillstreetgrocer.com
Salad Bowl - 362 Macquarie St, South Hobart, Tel 03 6223 7728
Email: southhobart@hilllstreetgrocer.com
Eumarrah, Organic Wholefoods and Natural Food 39 Barrack St, Hobart, 03 6234 3229, Email: naturalfood@eumarrah.com.au
Harvest Feast, Organic Market Stall, Salamanca Market, Hobart, (every Saturday)
We welcome your business. To purchase direct please