Naked Carrot microgreens, salad and garnish, Wasabi
Wasabini is grown from mustard wasabi seed and is a fun way of saying this is the mini version.
Wasabi is hot like wasabi but doesn't have a lingering, burning aftertaste.
Wasabini goes with anything where you want to create a strong flavour or 'kick'. Typically used with sushi and sashimi, wasabini is also enjoyed with chicken and in deserts.
Wasabini is very good source of minerals such as potassium, manganese, iron, copper, calcium and magnesium.Wasabi’s wealth of antioxidants helps to boost the immune system and remove harmful toxins from the body providing a reduced risk of cancer and heart disease. It also helps to defend against bacterial infections in the body and can even reduce the irritating effects of seasonal allergies.

According to Japanese legend, wasabi was discovered hundreds of years ago in a remote mountain village. Wasabi became used for its medicinal properties and was even collected a tax. Wasabi is a plant of the Brassicaceae family, which also includes horseradish and mustard.

Retail Customers
We welcome your business. The following specialty grocers stock our products. Particular products seen on this website can be ordered through them:
Hill St Grocers – 70 Arthur St, West Hobart, Tel 03 6234 6849
Salad Bowl - 362 Macquarie St, South Hobart, Tel 03 6223 7728
Eumarrah, Organic Wholefoods and Natural Food 39 Barrack St, Hobart, 03 6234 3229. Email:
Harvest Feast, Organic Market Stall, Salamanca Market, Hobart,
(every Saturday)
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